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    Therapeutic Value : Multivitamin, Ginseng
    Therapeutic Details :
Zevit is a dietary supplement that is commonly used to support
overall health and well-being. It is particularly popular for its role in boosting energy levels, improving immunity, and maintaining skin, hair, and nail health.
Common Uses
  • Energy Boost: Helps to reduce fatigue and increase energy levels due to its B-vitamin content.
  • Immune Support: Vitamins like Vitamin C and Zinc help strengthen the immune system.
  • Skin, Hair, and Nail Health: The combination of vitamins and minerals supports healthy skin, hair, and nails.
  • Nutritional Support: Used to supplement the diet and prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
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₦ 4,560
Zevit is under a promo. Eligibility is 12 units only
₦ 380 X 12

Clinical carton contains 30 tablets.
Each roll contains 12 clinical cartons.
Each shipper contains 36 rolls.